How To Avoid Delays During Your Orthodontic Treatment

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Montréal Orthodontists at Orthostyle Montréal understand a patient’s eagerness to complete treatment in a timely process. The level of customization of each patient’s treatment plan contributes greatly to the efficiency and precision of tooth movement, and in ensuring that the end result is a healthy smile. Here are some ways to avoid delays and help keep your orthodontic treatment on track!

Minimize Hiccups & Keep Treatment on Schedule

Occasionally treatment can hit a few pot holes due to dental concerns that fall outside the realm of orthodontic treatment (decay and dental trauma) which can force a patient to cancel scheduled adjustment appointments while they deal with immediate concerns.

Unfortunately some delays can’t be predicted as that’s just life – but there are ways to minimize hiccups and keep orthodontic treatment on schedule.

Keep Treatment on Schedule

Following Your Orthodontist’s Instructions

Orthodontists are highly skilled and educated in the science of tooth movement. Each step of treatment has been carefully mapped out to create the best possible treatment result in the least amount of time and visits.

The efficiency of treatment comprises of several factors, one of which is patient compliance. Wearing your orthodontic appliance or braces to your orthodontist’s instructions is an essential part of treatment success. Forgetting to wear a finishing retainer or to wear an aligner for the appropriate length of time each day can delay treatment being completed on time, and to the highest standard.

Staying on Track With Appointments

You may be tempted to delay or cancel an appointment thinking that it will have little or no impact on treatment goals when in fact the opposite is true. Orthodontic cases calculate the timing of tooth movement to coincide with appointments so a patient can advance to the next phase or level of treatment – and when appointments are missed or postponed treatment becomes stalled at that stage. Staying on track with appointments means keeping treatment on schedule which can sometimes translate to an earlier finish time than originally anticipated.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

It won’t come as any surprise to you to learn that we’re huge advocates of maintaining routine exams and cleanings while completing orthodontic treatment. Seeing your regular dentist for exams and cleanings will keep teeth and gums in tip-top condition – enabling teeth to move more efficiently as inflammation of oral tissues is controlled. Daily flossing and brushing is a must during orthodontic care.

Wondering how you can speed up your orthodontic treatment? Talk to the orthodontists at Orthostyle Montreal in downtown Montréal.

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